Tony and Tatiana riding the unique Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway

Tony and Tatiana, his blind Greek partner, are riding the unique Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway on a cool, damp and breezy February day in North Devon, southwest England. This cliff railway, powered by water, is one of only three railways of this type left in the world. Whilst many have been converted to electric power, the Lyndon-Lynmouth cliff Railway still operates by using water power and gravity to move its two coaches between the villages.

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Iron Ore Train, Mauritania!

Tony has just return to Nouakchott, Mauritania's dusty capital, after riding the famous Iron Ore train, reputed to be the longest in the world!
18 hours sitting and lying on uncomfortable iron ore! An experience never to be forgotten.
Tony did it with a group of amazing travellers, but he was the only blind person, perhaps the first blind individual to ride the train?!

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New Website For Blind Online Shoppers

Deer friends and followers,
I’m excited to share an amazing website I recently discovered: Innosearch AI! This platform is designed with blind and visually impaired individuals in mind, making it easier to browse the internet and shop with accessibility at the forefront.
Here are a few highlights:

$10 Free for You: Using my referral code, you’ll get $10 off your first purchase. Plus an additional $10 goes to support my travels as well.

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