Now in Gaborone, capital of Botswana

Dear all friends and followers, hope everyone is well. I’m now in Gaborone, capital of Botswana – country 125! It’s much warmer and dryer than the UK here! Relaxing in nice surroundings, birds chattering outside.

My trip began with a long flight to Joburg, South Africa, where I stayed with a lovely South African guy, Niel for a night. The following day it was an 8 hour bus ride to Botswana. People were friendly,

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Travel interview and update.

Hi all travellers and followers. Here’s an Interview I did at the end of December 2019 with Steve Colins, Travel Correspondent for Radio 6PR, Perth, Australia. That also has links to Galloways Society for the Blind, the charity I’m raising money fore, and my GoFundMe page: Enjoy the interview and please share . I think you’ll find it amusing and fascinating! Happy travels, from a cold Dresden, east Germany.

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Travels update

Sorry for being uncommunicative for a while, been very ill. Back on the road again now! Heading to Gatwick Airport to spend a few hours napping before flying to Berlin. One day in the lovely, friendly German capital, before a train to Leipzig for an appearance at the Travel Festival Leipzig 2020. I’m speaking on Saturday, 18th January between 4-5 pm German time. Can’t wait. First time in Leipzig, should be fun. Will there be snow?!

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Out tonight!

Happy New Years Eve everyone. Tatiana and I going to find live music tonight in Zaragoza, northern Spain… Maybe rock, maybe blues, maybe Jazz! That’s the way to bring in 2020! Have a good one dear friends and followers. Cheers, Tony :)
— Tony Giles blind solo traveller and public speaker. Fund raising for Galloways Society for the Blind, northwest England. Challenge: to raise £3,850 or more to send me to hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu,

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