Giving a Little Talk!

Gave a talk at Northampton Associated for the Blind today at their AGM in Northampton, East Middlands. Met some interesting people and had an excellent time :). I love talking about my travels; showing people what can be done and achieved with a little help and a positive mindset. Hope everyone is having a great and/or productive day. I realise life can be difficult and challenging at times, but together, with help from each other,

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Now in beautiful Turkey

First video taken of Duden Falls. This is the lower falls. Lower Duden Waterfall is 8 km from Antalya city centre, close to Karpuzkaldiran Beach on the way to Lara. Duden Creek creates this marvelous waterfall and its drop height is greater than the upper waterfall, falling from about 40 m into the sea in amazing water clouds. A spectacular sound. Enjoy.
Duden Upper Falls,

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Ethiopia videos

Here are two more videos from Tony’s visit to Ethiopia in April.

Tony is feeding birds with fish on the banks of Lake Zway in Ethiopia. This is one of Ethiopia’s many Rift Valley lakes. Tony is surrounded by a group of local boys, plus several cows. It’s a peaceful scene with nature all around. The city of Awasa is close by.
Tony stuck in dense traffic in Addis Ababa,

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