BBC Travel Show part 2 reminder

A reminder that the second part of Tony’s BBC Travel Show documentary will be shown this weekend.

In the second part of a Travel Show special from Ethiopia, Tony Giles, a blind and almost deaf backpacker, visits Lalibela, the cradle of Christian orthodox Christianity in Africa. He visits the world – famous rock hewn underground churches and gets the chance to take part in a colourful and moving Orthodox lent service. It is here that Tony begins his own spiritual journey,

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More updates for Tony’s Ethiopia documentary

More information about my up and coming travel documentary with a little taster to grab your interest :).

Good afternoon from the Travel Show The Travel Show has a lovely video which you might be interested in promoting. Tony Giles, who is completely blind and severely deaf, is backpacking independently around the world and has visited more than 120 countries. On his travels around Ethiopia he visits a studio containing paintings which were part of a wider exhibition designed for blind and partially sighted people to experience through touch.

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Tony’s Ethiopia Documentary

It’s almost show time for my amazing and fascinating documentary of a blind man experiencing Ethiopia. So go check it out on BBC World News or BBC News 24 and BBC Travel Show FB page. Please watch, comment, follow and share. And please, continue to tell people to buy and download my fun and fascinating travel Ebook biographies. Seeing The World My Way, repub, 2016 Seeing The Americas My Way, 2016.

Thanks for following and supporting.

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Now in Beautiful and friendly Canada!

Tatiana and I arrived in Toronto Thursday afternoon, 30th May. We spent 3 relaxing nights in the fairly flat and friendly city. Locals are lovely, polite, kind and helpful. We sped up the CN Tower by elevator, arguably, Toronto’s main landmark. It’s apparently the world’s 9th tallest free-standing structure and the highest in North America! Standing at a total hight of 553.3 metres (1,815.3 feet). So yes, it’s tall! Made of concrete, it’s a communications and observation tower located in the heart of Downtown Toronto,

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