Searching for whales in Greenland

Trying to search for whales? A slightly unsuccessful beginning with the camera! The following films are better!

Here come the whales! First video with the humpbacks blowing and swimming, some interesting commentary alongside!

Here are the humpbacks in all their glory :)

Boat, plane and whales! The sound of the boat, the majestic silence of the whales and the noise of a plane –

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Tony’s next country!

Tony is now in Sal Island, Cape Verde. He’s staying with a kind couch surfer from Senegal and has spent the day relaxing. Tomorrow he goes on a tour around the island. Cape Verde is an island nation roughly 500 kilometres west of Senegal, off the coast of West Africa. This is Country 114 on the official UN list and country 129 on Tony’s general list.
— Tony Giles blind solo traveller, author of Ebooks:
*Seeing The Americas My Way* An emotional journey (2016) Available from Amazon –

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