Read more about Tony.
My Books
I have written and published three eBooks about my world adventures.
My eBooks are travel biographies of the observations and experiences of a totally blind and partially deaf man as he travels independently around the world having exciting adventures. The most recent volume, Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way, published 31 December 2020, is a journey of continued self-discovery as I plot my way from multi-cultural South Africa with its complex society, to Malawi, with its picturesque and peaceful nature. This third book takes the reader through parts of Southern Africa, and offers a brief glimpse into a little of Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Poznan, Poland photos (21st December 2020)
Just added some older photos taken in Poznan, Poland during July 2014. View the photos here.

eBook update. (16th December 2020)
Hi everyone, I hope this finds my followers and fellow travellers well and busy with the festive season that’s well on its way. A quiet one for me :)! I wanted to update you all regarding the release of my latest travel eBook; Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way. It’s now at the eBook publishing company and being converted into eBook files ready for release. However, it now looks like it will be released early in the New year. Keep following and reading to find out more. I’ll let you know when I know. meantime, have a wonderful, and safe festive season. Stay safe, warmest wishes, thanks for following. Cheers, Tony :).
Blog post / A little inspiration (11th December 2020)
Hi, I thought I’d post this for anyone needing a little inspiration in the strange and difficult time: My TEDx Talk in Vienna, October 2017. Enjoy :).
Don’t forget people, you can still buy and download my fascinating and exciting travel eBooks: *Seeing The Americas My Way* An emotional journey (2016) Available from Amazon – Kobo –
*Seeing The World My Way* A totally blind and partially deaf guy’s global adventures (2010,
eBook News (9th December 2020)
Tony’s latest travel eBook: Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way will be out soon, just in time to buy and download for Xmas. Thanks for following and support, Tony :)
Bratislava, Slovakia, photos added (19th November 2020)
Lots more photos have been added to the album for Tony’s visit to Bratislava, Slovakia in September 2017.
View the photos here – Photo gallery – Slovakia, September-October 2017
Košice, Slovakia photo album added (9th October 2020)
Just added these old photos taken in Košice, Slovakia, September 2017.
Podcast interview (4th October 2020)
Dear friends, I hope this finds you all well. Below are a series of links to a recent podcast interview I did with a wonderful lady in beautiful Indonesia. Check it out and share it. I hope the links are accessible. Have a wonderful evening and week. Cheers, Tony the Traveller :).
Posting from a very wet and windy Devon!
Apple Podcast:…/podc…/go-stalking/id1517432063…
Travel and Leisure India interview (29th September 2020)
Check out this interview Tony did for the Travel and Leisure India website –