Read more about Tony.
My Books
I have written and published three eBooks about my world adventures.
My eBooks are travel biographies of the observations and experiences of a totally blind and partially deaf man as he travels independently around the world having exciting adventures. The most recent volume, Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way, published 31 December 2020, is a journey of continued self-discovery as I plot my way from multi-cultural South Africa with its complex society, to Malawi, with its picturesque and peaceful nature. This third book takes the reader through parts of Southern Africa, and offers a brief glimpse into a little of Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Another documentary (6th May 2018)
Here is another short documentary about my travels and the way I live and cope with my blindness. Made for The Big Story, a documentary team, part of CNN online. Enjoy, Tony. The Big Story Filmed 27th February 2018.FM4 interview (27th April 2018)
Tony was interviewed for Austrian radio station FM4 back in January. Listen to the audio in two parts at the following links:
Morning Show –
Reality Check –
There is also a podcast here:
Tony’s feature length ‘Holy Land’ documentary (10th April 2018)
Here’s a link to my feature length documentary of my two original and, separate, documentaries of my travels in Jerusalem and Bethlehem, now put together along with unseen footage as one long feature. Enjoy, and thanks for watching and following. Tony :)
Radio interview (7th April 2018)
VIP Lounge, Roskilde Dampradio, Denmark
Recorded 27th February 2018. Interviewed by Robin Cox.
Tony’s Article in RNIB Magazine (6th April 2018)
Read about my visit to Canterbury Cathedral, southeast England in the spring edition of Connect, an RNIB online Magazine for blind and visually impaired people in the UK.
Thanks for following, more coming soon, Tony :).
latest news (1st April 2018)
Tony now relaxing in windy Devon, UK. After an epic journey of over 30 hours that involved an 8-hour bus ride from Muscat, Oman to Dubai, UAE, a 4-hour flight from Dubai to Beirut, capital of Lebanon, another flight from Beirut to Belgrade, capital of Serbia, and a final flight from Belgrade to Heathrow Airport, London. Before a 4-hour train journey to Tony’s place of residence in southern Devon! He could have flown direct from Muscat to London, but undertaking the journey in segments saved him quite a lot of money and, for Tony, it is all about the adventure and meeting interesting people along the way! Happy travels, from Tony Ps, don’t forget his fascinating travel Ebooks about a totally blind and partially deaf guy’s global adventures. Hilarious accounts of travels without sight and, often, not in complete control of his senses! Are available: Seeing The Americas My Way Amazon – Apple – Kobo – Google Play – Seeing The World My Way, my first ebook Thank you everyone, from Tony :)
New article to read about Tony! (25th March 2018)
Telegraph article about Tony and his world travels
Podcast interview with Tony, for Blind Ability, an organisation in Minnesota, USA, supporting blind and visually impaired people
Bombs in Baalbeck, Lebanon, by Jason Hawes, a fellow UK traveller Or maybe Syria?
Blog feature about meeting Tony by world traveller, Thor from Denmark, travelled to 144 countries without flying!
Tom, author and founder of Motivate Yourself, Germany
(23rd March 2018)
A day in a life of travel with Tony and Thor, two world travellers! Sidon, Lebanon, March 2018. Thor has visited 144 countries without flying.