
  • Tony sliding along a zip wire in San Gil, Colombia, December 2012.
    Welcome to the exciting website of Tony Giles – blind world traveller and writer.

Read more about Tony.

My Books

I have written and published three eBooks about my world adventures.

Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way book cover.  The cover shows Tony on Victoria Falls Bridge crossing the misty Zambezi River on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. A sign reads 'You are now entering Zambia'.

Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way

NEW EBOOK, published 31 December 2020.

Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on Apple Books.


Seeing the World My Way book cover. The cover shows Tony illuminated under a bus shelter with the surroundings in semi-darkness.

Seeing The World My Way

Published in 2010 and re-published as an Ebook in 2017.

Buy Seeing the World My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing The World My Way on Apple Books.


Seeing The Americas My Way book cover. The cover shows Tony in front of a 'Stone Tree' ( Arbol de Piedra) in the Siloli desert of south-west Bolivia.

Seeing The Americas My Way

Ebook published September 2016.

Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on Apple Books.


My eBooks are travel biographies of the observations and experiences of a totally blind and partially deaf man as he travels independently around the world having exciting adventures. The most recent volume, Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way, published 31 December 2020, is a journey of continued self-discovery as I plot my way from multi-cultural South Africa with its complex society, to Malawi, with its picturesque and peaceful nature. This third book takes the reader through parts of Southern Africa, and offers a brief glimpse into a little of Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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Lonely Planet article (8th December 2017)

New article on Lonely Planet news – https://www.lonelyplanet.com/news/2017/12/08/blind-visually-impaired-travel-125-countries/

First part of my travel documentary (2nd December 2017)

Here’s the link to the first part of my travel documentary I did with BBC World Travel Show. Hope you enjoy it :), thanks for watching, best, Tony the Traveller.

Blind backpacker travelling the world

Tony on BBC World Travel Show (30th November 2017)

Heads up: I was filmed in Jerusalem and Bethlehem for a documentary for the BBC World Travel Show about how disabled people are able to travel. Here is information about show times and when and where. The Jerusalem feature will be the second half of the programme on Dec 2nd and Dec 3rd. The Bethlehem feature will be the first half of the programme on Dec 9th and Dec 10th.

On the UK BBC News Channel the times will be: Sat – 10.30 Sun – 13.30 and 20.30. On the World BBC News Channel the times will vary depending on time zone. But the times GMT are: Fri: 20.30 Sat 03.30, 13.30, 18.30 and Sun 06.30 & 12.30. It will also be available on the iPlayer in the UK.

A shorter version may also appear on BBC Breakfast over the weekend if there’s no big breaking news! :)

I hope everyone can access BBC World some how. I should be getting a Youtube link as soon as it goes live, so watch this space for that.

Thanks for following, and please share this with as many people as possible. Happy travels, Tony the Traveller.

Author of Ebooks:
Seeing The World My Way.
Seeing The Americas My Way.

Blog post / Relaxing in Nazareth (24th November 2017)

Evening of Thursday 24th November.

Tony is relaxing in Nazareth, north Jerusalem. He’s been there for four nights, staying in Simsin Guesthouse – a friendly small hostel in Nazareth’s Old Town. Tony briefly explored the old city on his first afternoon, feeling the old stone walls with his hands and cane and finding many obstacles on the pavements, including parked cars, large rubbish bins, lampposts and many small bollards. Tony found his way to downtown by following the downwards gradient from the old town and asked local pedestrians as he went for directions to Mary’s Well/Mary’s Square,

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Palestinian Territories, country 125 (9th November 2017)

Tony is in the Palestinian Territories, country 125. He returns to Jerusalem, Israel tomorrow, 9th November 2017 and continues travels in Israel.

Country 124 (31st October 2017)

Tony is now in Jerusalem, capital and largest city of Israel. This is country 124 for Tony!

New video interview (25th October 2017)

Watch a video interview with Tony filmed for the InspireMore blog in Jerash, Jordan. Highly recommended!

Now in Jordan (18th October 2017)

Tony now in Jordan, country 123.

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