I’m blind – but I’ve seen the World!

Take It Easy! magazine, The People
October 2007
By Sarah Veness

Being born blind and partially deaf hasn’t stopped Tony Giles, 28, experiencing all that life has to offer – and he’s still going strong…

Feeling the warm sun on my skin, I soaked up the unfamiliar smells and sounds around me. I’d come to America on a university exchange programme and had flown to New Orleans for a week’s holiday.

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Interview for the Sunday paper The People

The story below, is the basic outline of an interview I did for the Sunday News paper The People. The full story comes out in print on Sunday September 30th 2007 in their inside magazine. Check this story out and do a search online for Tony Giles for similar stories and articles.

The Sunday People
Deborah Doherty, Features Editor, Take it Easy Magazine.
Original journalist, Catherine Jones. South West news Services,

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I can smell it, I can feel it. I don’t need to see it

Western Daily Press
30 August 2007
By Paul Burton

Adventurous Tony Giles has back-packed his way around the globe climbing mountains, sky-diving, bungee jumping and white water rafting… not bad for someone who has been completely blind since birth and is hard of hearing to the point of being almost 80 per cent deaf.

The 28-year-old’s exploits have taken him all over the place, including South America,

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Countries, Islands, Nations, Principalities, Territories visited

Total: 158
UN: 134

I have travelled/backpacked through all of these places.

The United Nations states that there are 193 recognized sovereign nations in the world. Of these, I’ve visited 133.

  • Albania, (Republic of), September 2012
  • Algeria, (People’s Democratic Republic of), December 2018
  • Andorra, (Principality of), March 2014
  • Antarctica,

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Introduction to Travelling

Travelling is a great life, it is my passion. I’ve been doing it all my life. I had specialist schooling from the age of five or six until I went to university around the age of twenty. This was my early travel life. First back and forwards to school in a taxi every day then to boarding school in Coventry about 100 miles from my home. This was at around the age of ten. I then came home every six weeks or so.

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