
  • Tony sliding along a zip wire in San Gil, Colombia, December 2012.
    Welcome to the exciting website of Tony Giles – blind world traveller and writer.

Read more about Tony.

My Books

I have written and published three eBooks about my world adventures.

Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way book cover.  The cover shows Tony on Victoria Falls Bridge crossing the misty Zambezi River on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. A sign reads 'You are now entering Zambia'.

Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way

NEW EBOOK, published 31 December 2020.

Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on Apple Books.


Seeing the World My Way book cover. The cover shows Tony illuminated under a bus shelter with the surroundings in semi-darkness.

Seeing The World My Way

Published in 2010 and re-published as an Ebook in 2017.

Buy Seeing the World My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing The World My Way on Apple Books.


Seeing The Americas My Way book cover. The cover shows Tony in front of a 'Stone Tree' ( Arbol de Piedra) in the Siloli desert of south-west Bolivia.

Seeing The Americas My Way

Ebook published September 2016.

Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on Apple Books.


My eBooks are travel biographies of the observations and experiences of a totally blind and partially deaf man as he travels independently around the world having exciting adventures. The most recent volume, Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way, published 31 December 2020, is a journey of continued self-discovery as I plot my way from multi-cultural South Africa with its complex society, to Malawi, with its picturesque and peaceful nature. This third book takes the reader through parts of Southern Africa, and offers a brief glimpse into a little of Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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Blog post / Country 99, Papua New Guinea (9th March 2015)

Tony is now in country 99, Papua New Guinea. He crossed into the country from Jayapura, Indonesia on Wednesday 4th March. Since then it has been an interesting and eventful journey. Tony is couch surfing on this trip but was unable to contact his first host in PNG. After crossing the border he took a PMV, public motorised vehicle, to Vanimo, the first large town in the country. This lies on the north coast in Sandaun Province, Read more →

New blog post: Baliem Valley, Indonesia (3rd March 2015)

Tony’s just sent this blog post: Baliem Valley, Indonesia.

Blog post / Baliem Valley, Indonesia (3rd March 2015)

Tony visited Wamena, capital of Baliem Valley, with a couch surfing friend, Raymond. Raymond is from Wamena, and Tony stayed with his lovely family just outside the town. The Baliem Valley is home to many cultural tribes most noticeably Dani, Lani and Yali. Raymond’s family are Lani.

The only way to reach Wamena is by plane. Trigana and Wings have several flights a day from Jayapura. Almost all produce is flown in by transport plane,

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Indonesia (27th February 2015)

Tony is now in Indonesia, his 98th country. After flying from London to Jakarta, with a brief stop in Amsterdam, he relaxed at the wonderful Six Degree Hostel. Tony visited the main square and national monument with three cool Spanish guys he met and ate Nasi Goreng – fried rice. Then he flew to Jayapura, capital of Papua Province – the easternmost part of Indonesia. So the couch surfing has begun! Tony has been staying with a lovely family, his host named Indra. Along with two other nice Papuan guys, Raymond and Edwin, they visited the General Douglas MacArthur Monument (Ifar Gunung). This is where the Americans and Japanese fought in 1944. A beautiful place with good views of the area on the mountains.

Now Tony is in Wamena, capital of Baliem Valley, in the Papua highlands. He is staying with a local guy, Raymond. Visiting villages and exploring the local Dani and culture.

Some photos here.

Update (22nd February 2015)

Tony is now in Indonesia. The trip has begun!

Latest adventure (17th February 2015)

Tony is just about to depart for 3 months of extensive travels in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Three months of journeying in the heat, jungles, mountains and volcanoes, islands, along the Equator.

E-book from Kobo (13th January 2015)

Tony’s first book Seeing the World My Way is available as an e-book in EPUB format from the Kobo website. Details here.

It is also still available to purchase as a Kindle e-book from Amazon.co.uk and as a paperback from all good book shops.

Information update (18th November 2014)

The Polish addition of Tony’s first book has sold 1,700 copies in Poland Information and updates on the second travel book to follow soon!

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