Read more about Tony.
My Books
I have written and published three eBooks about my world adventures.
My eBooks are travel biographies of the observations and experiences of a totally blind and partially deaf man as he travels independently around the world having exciting adventures. The most recent volume, Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way, published 31 December 2020, is a journey of continued self-discovery as I plot my way from multi-cultural South Africa with its complex society, to Malawi, with its picturesque and peaceful nature. This third book takes the reader through parts of Southern Africa, and offers a brief glimpse into a little of Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Blog post / Back in Papua Indonesia (10th April 2015)
After crossing back from PNG to Papua Indonesia. I took an ojek (motorbike taxi) and then three separate buses to get back to Jayapura. I stayed one night with my wonderful couch surfing friend, Indra before flying to Manokwari, capital of West Papua. Once there I met up with Edwin, who took care of me for three interesting days. We drove into the Arfak mountains along bumpy steep track roads, crossing rivers without stopping or slowing down – a very bumpy and bouncy ride. Read more →New blog post: More adventures (27th March 2015)
Read it here.
Blog post / More adventures (27th March 2015)
After my trip on the lower Sepik River near Angoram, north Papua New Guinea. I relaxed with my local friend Dony before getting ready to take a night boat to Bogia in Madang province. Unfortunately no boats were available due to rough seas and strong winds. I was low on money, and Angoram being run down and having no bank, off I set back to Wewak at 3AM to get money. I bumped and bounced for three hours reaching Wewak at dawn.
Read more →New blog post: Papua New Guinea – continued (21st March 2015)
Read it here.
Blog post / Papua New Guinea – continued (21st March 2015)
Tony has now been in Papua New Guinea for roughly 16 days. After crossing into PNG from Indonesia, he spent two nights in Vanimo then took a banana boat to Aitape along the north coast. Sitting in the hot sun getting soaked by constant waves of seawater he didn’t realise he was getting sunburnt until it was too late. Three hours later the boat arrived in Aitape beach. Because the last bus to Wewak was full,
Read more →New blog post: Country 99, Papua New Guinea (9th March 2015)
Read it here.
Blog post / Country 99, Papua New Guinea (9th March 2015)
Tony is now in country 99, Papua New Guinea. He crossed into the country from Jayapura, Indonesia on Wednesday 4th March. Since then it has been an interesting and eventful journey. Tony is couch surfing on this trip but was unable to contact his first host in PNG. After crossing the border he took a PMV, public motorised vehicle, to Vanimo, the first large town in the country. This lies on the north coast in Sandaun Province,
Read more →New blog post: Baliem Valley, Indonesia (3rd March 2015)
Tony’s just sent this blog post: Baliem Valley, Indonesia.