
  • Tony sliding along a zip wire in San Gil, Colombia, December 2012.
    Welcome to the exciting website of Tony Giles – blind world traveller and writer.

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My Books

I have written and published three eBooks about my world adventures.

Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way book cover.  The cover shows Tony on Victoria Falls Bridge crossing the misty Zambezi River on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia. A sign reads 'You are now entering Zambia'.

Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way

NEW EBOOK, published 31 December 2020.

Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on Apple Books.


Seeing the World My Way book cover. The cover shows Tony illuminated under a bus shelter with the surroundings in semi-darkness.

Seeing The World My Way

Published in 2010 and re-published as an Ebook in 2017.

Buy Seeing the World My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing The World My Way on Apple Books.


Seeing The Americas My Way book cover. The cover shows Tony in front of a 'Stone Tree' ( Arbol de Piedra) in the Siloli desert of south-west Bolivia.

Seeing The Americas My Way

Ebook published September 2016.

Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on amazon.co.uk.
Buy Seeing the Americas My Way on Apple Books.


My eBooks are travel biographies of the observations and experiences of a totally blind and partially deaf man as he travels independently around the world having exciting adventures. The most recent volume, Seeing a Slice of Southern Africa My Way, published 31 December 2020, is a journey of continued self-discovery as I plot my way from multi-cultural South Africa with its complex society, to Malawi, with its picturesque and peaceful nature. This third book takes the reader through parts of Southern Africa, and offers a brief glimpse into a little of Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

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Uganda, country 86 (7th November 2013)

Tony is now in Uganda, country 86. After entering into Kisoro from Rwanda, he’s visited the Rwensori Mountains where he camped for 2 nights and did a day hike. Then he visited Queen Elizabeth National Park for a boat ride with hippos, crocodiles and buffalo for company! Tony has just arrived in Fort Portal and is going to Lake Nkuruba Nature Reserve on Enfusi Community Campsite.

Rwanda (2nd November 2013)

Tony has just left Rwanda after five wonderful days in that gentle country. He is now in Kisoro, far western Uganda. He is about to head into the mountains.

Tony spent a couple of days in Gitarama, south central Rwanda and did a Azizi Life Experience Tour. This is where you visit a local village and do chores, which the local women – who are weavers by trade – do every day. Tony cut grass to feed a cow, houghed in a coffee planted field, helped collect water and in the afternoon, made his own bracelet with the string of an Imigwegwe plant. Next he headed to Kigali, Rwanda’s capital where he couch surfed and visited the Genocide war memorial to the Rwandan 1994 genocide. There many different gardens of remembrance, a very moving place. Lastly, Tony spent a night with a lovely local family in Musanze, and visited the large caves.

Update (28th October 2013)

Tony is now in Gitarama (Muhanga) Rwanda, East Africa.

He has just spent 3 interesting days in Burundi.

These are two small former Belgium colonies, now independent countries in East Africa. They are located between Tanzania, DRC and Uganda.

Blog post / Now on Lake Tanganyika at Lake Shore Lodge (21st October 2013)

So I am now at Lake Tanganyika. I have crossed Tanzania in three weeks. It’s been interesting. It was cool in Moshi and Arusha. I stayed with a lovely Finnish couple in Morogoro. I visited a rock garden, which resembles a beach party place, very strange. Then I visited Iringa. I camped for the first time on this trip. At Rivervalley Camp, just 10 km outside Iringa. It’s a camp for people who wish to learn Swahili.

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Tony at Lake Tanganyika (20th October 2013)

Tony is now on Lake Tanganyika at Lake Shore Lodge, very near Kipili Village. A very remote place. He crossed Tanzania east to west and arrived on Friday 18th October. He leaves for the north on Monday. Next country will be Burundi.

Blog post / Now in Morogoro, central Tanzania. (12th October 2013)

Well, I left you in Zanzibar, sunning myself on the beach. Since then I have been busy. I returned to Dar Es Salaam with a little help from a couple of Tanzanians. Getting around blind is not so easy, because the roads and pavements are mainly non-existent! Taking mini-buses (dala dala) is, or should say, can be dangerous. I have taken a couple and they were OK, if sometimes fast. Once back in Dar, Tanzania’s largest city,

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Tanzania (12th October 2013)

Tony is now in Morogoro, central Tanzania. Read his latest blog here.

Blog post / Back in Africa (6th October 2013)

So, I am back in Africa, Tanzania – East Africa. I’ve been in the country a week now. Many smells and sounds, honking horns, dusty streets and chaotic traffic!  I spent my first night in Dar es Salaam at Safari Inn, a good hostel. Private rooms only. The following day I met up with my first couch surfing host, a cool, crazy guy named Maricky.  His place is so far south in the city it is like being in a separate village.

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