Košice is the second largest city of Slovakia and lies in the east part of the country.
Tuesday, 19th September 2017
Looking south along Hlavná ulica (Main Street). The middle part of the street is cobbled with a pair of disused tram tracks running either side of a narrow water-filled channel. Hlavná ulica is the principal street and thoroughfare of Košice. Mainly pedestrianised it runs north-south and contains many shops and historical houses, former palaces and churches.Again on Hlavná ulica. Here the street splits into two parts with small parks and the Košice State Theatre visible in between. The theatre’s domed roof can be seen behind trees.A short cobbled street joining the east and west parts of Hlavná ulica. Either side are small formal parks enclosed by railings. On the right side, the railings are punctuated by a series of statues standing on stone pillars (two are visible). These railings enclose the Plague Pillar or Immaculata (not in view).Moving south along Hlavná ulica. The edge of a park on the right enclosed with railings and a line of trees within. The park is immediately in front of the Košice State Theatre, which is hidden from view by trees. Historic buildings of various styles line the street on the left.A circular formal fountain with Zodiac signs around the outside. This is in the centre of the park in front of Košice State Theatre.A closer view of the fountain with Zodiac signs. In the middle an outcrop of rock with a central jet of water rising into the air. Smaller jets of water spraying into the centre from the outside. Orange-red fish can vaguely be seen swimming in the pool.On the steps of the Košice State Theatre located in the middle of Hlavná ulica. The theatre is Neo-Baroque in style and was built between 1879 and 1899.A corner pillar at the entrance to the Košice State Theatre. Two embossed panels are attached to it. The nearest one is dedicated to Ladislav Holoubek (1913-1994): a Slovak composer and conductor.View from the steps of the theatre. Baroque style buildings visible along the east side of Hlavná ulica.Another view from outside the front of the Košice State Theatre. Mostly shops and cafés occupy the ground floors of the historic buildings along Hlavná ulica.Another park, this one is located between the north side of the Košice State Theatre and St Elisabeth Cathedral. In front is the Singing Fountain (Spievajúca fontána). Jets of water can be seen rising from this large rectangular fountain. At certain times the jets of water are lit up and spray in choreography with music.Tatiana standing alongside the Singing Fountain. It is surrounded by formal paths interspersed with trees and benches.A row of entrance doorways at the north side of the Košice State Theatre with steps in front. Tatiana is standing in one of the doorways.
Wednesday, 20th September 2017
Narrow cobbled street passing through an archway beneath a building. This is outside Mikluš Prison.A display of old stone canon balls of various sizes, located inside Mikluš Prison. This former prison is now a museum. The prison was built in the early 17th century on the site of two medieval houses. It operated as a prison until the early 20th century.A large heavy stone vat standing on the floor inside Mikluš Prison. This stone vat may have been used for crushing grapes for wine.Tatiana inside one of the cells at Mikluš Prison with her hand chains.Tony and Tatiana inside one of the prison cells.A wooden bench with iron hand, waist and leg restraints to hold down a prisoner for torture.Tony and Tatiana standing under a stone arch inside Mikluš Prison. Metal bars enclosing a cell behind.Tatiana and Tony outside the Executioner’s Bastion, which is now the ticket office of Mikluš Prison. Its name is derived from the fact that the bastion was situated near a medieval executioner’s house. It is a semi-circular building with eight cannon chambers. It was erected around 1500.View with St Elisabeth Cathedral on the left and St Urban Tower on the right. The lower front façade of St Elisabeth Cathedral is visible with Sigismund’s tower at the far end.
St Elisabeth Cathedral is a Gothic Roman-Catholic cathedral. It is Slovakia’s largest church and one of the eastern-most Gothic cathedrals in Europe. Construction began in 1378 and was completed in 1508. Sigismund’s tower, which is located at the cathedral’s north-west corner, was built during the second period of the church’s construction from 1420 to 1440 and was finished in the third period of construction in 1462. The upper floors of the tower are octagonal in shape. It is just under 60 metres in height.
View south along Hlavná ulica from outside the cathedral. Stalls selling souvenirs and café tables can be seen along the street.Looking into a colonnade that runs around the base of St Urban Tower. The colonnade is supported by stone columns with a low wall beneath. There is a wooden floor within.
St Urban Tower is a Gothic bell tower erected during the 14th century. A Baroque pyramidal roof was added in 1775. The colonnade was added in 1912. The tower houses a 7-tonne bell dedicated to St Urban, the patron of vine-dressers. In 1966 the tower and bell were damaged by fire. The tower has since been restored and a replica bell installed. The repaired original bell is displayed outside.
A series of old gravestones embedded in the wall inside the colonnade of St Urban Tower. The stones mostly date from the 14th and 15th centuries.A closer look at one of the historic gravestones in the wall of St Urban Tower. The carving on the grave features a large bird, perhaps an eagle. Tatiana partly in view at the side.View of the lower part of St Elisabeth Cathedral’s north façade. The north doorway can be seen with a pair of tall wooden doors with a relief of the Last Judgement above and statues of saints in alcoves in between and alongside the doors.Tony and Tatiana in front of St Urban Tower. Unfortunately, the tower was closed when they visited.The main doorway to St Urban Tower with the entrance to the colonnade to the left.Another view across the front of St Urban Tower. The upper part of the tower is square in shape. The outside is rendered with bare plaster with small centrally located windows for each floor.Looking towards old buildings on the west side of Hlavná ulica with the park containing the Singing Fountain on the right and a kiosk in between.The north doorway of St Elisabeth Cathedral with the relief of the Last Judgement above. This entrance is known as the Golden Gate because it was gilded in the Middle Ages.A small side entrance that leads to Sigismund’s Tower, located a few metres from the entrance to St Elisabeth Cathedral. A man sitting under a sun umbrella alongside, selling tickets for Sigismund’s Tower.Tony and Tatiana with a view of Sigisimund’s Tower above them in the background.Rows of wooden pews inside St Elisabeth Cathedral with the 15th century main altar just visible in front. Another side altar is part visible on the right and the stone pulpit is to the left.View across one of the aisles inside St Elisabeth Cathedral. More old-looking pews carved out of a dark wood and large stone columns in the background.A slightly blurred view of the main altar with stained glass windows above. The altar was crafted in the period between 1474 and 1477. It is golden in colour and contains several paintings and statues. It includes two folding side screens, each containing six Gothic paintings.Looking back down the main aisle of St Elisabeth Cathedral towards the main (west) entrance. The pipes of the 19th century organ are above.The lower right part of the large main altar, including one of the side screens containing six paintings, with another side altar also visible on the right.Tatiana outside the west doorway of St Elisabeth Cathedral. The large wooden doors can be seen as well as a statue in a niche on the right.Another view showing an entrance to the colonnade at the base of St Urban Tower, including an elaborately carved gravestone embedded in the wall and protected behind a glass screen. Details in the gravestone’s carving include a man kneeling in prayer, Jesus on the cross and a skull.Looking towards the front of the Košice State Theatre with disused tram rails in the cobblestones directly in the foreground.The Old Town Hall. This two-storey Baroque and Classical style building was built from 1779 to 1780. It includes a central arched passageway through to a courtyard, a balcony above and the Košice coat-of-arms at roof level.View into the passageway that leads through the Old Town Hall. The passageway has a vaulted ceiling.The Plague Pillar or Immaculata located on Hlavná ulica. This stone pillar is 14 metres high with a statue of the Virgin Mary on the top. There are statues of Saint Joseph, Saint Sebastian and Saint Ladislaus around the base. It commemorates the end of the 1709-1710 plague epidemic and was built in 1723.The Beggar’s House (Žobrákov dom) located opposite the Plague Pillar. This house has a medieval Gothic core and dates back to the 14th century. It is said it was built by a beggar with money received from begging. It has been rebuilt several times. The current façade dates from 1898 and is Art Nouveau in style.Tatiana next to a wooden barrel outside a restaurant on Hlavná ulica. The barrel may contain beer or wine.